Ninjagram for Telegram also works on smartwatches

I’m really into the social network Telegram, and I have apps for using it on all my devices. Occasionally, there is a situation where I don’t have my phone with me, but I need to quickly open a conversation and write something short to someone on the soft keyboard or by dictating. A smartwatch can […]

2 mins read

Security and censorship circumvention in Russia and China?

Fortunately, there is no internet censorship in my state, but a lot of visitors to this site are in a state where there is no free internet. They often can’t use western services to access free information. There are mobile and computer solutions to use the internet safely in a state with censorship. Follow Telegram […]

4 mins read

The AyuGram Telegram client works great on watches too

AyuGram is an excellent Telegram client with more features and faster speeds on some devices. You can download it for free on Android phones and tablets, but also on Windows computers. But what about smartwatches? After all, if AyuGram is often faster, it could also fit into smartwatches with lower performance. AyuGram is also published […]

2 mins read